Plan miasta Newdigate

Newdigate - Najnowsze wiadomości:

NeoEnglish System: George Eliot: Life and Career

Mary Ann Evans, later to become famous as George Eliot, was the daughter of Robert Evans, a land agent for Sir Francis Newdigate's Arbury Hall Estate. Robert Evans was a remarkable man. His position as the manager of the estate demanded ...
źródło: BlogSearch

!Metro Arts and American Book Store COMPETITION

He was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship, Newdigate Prize and the King's Gold Medal for Poetry. He was the first Australian to win either of these prizes, and is still the only Australian to have won the Newdigate Prize. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Owsley/Housley Gen 1-3

And when Robert, my Sonne, shalbe fully twenty Five yeares in age, I give unto him all my estate, title and interest and terme of yeares that shalbe then to come in my saide Tenement at Weeke...together with the Demise, ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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